Monday, September 25, 2017

Blog Revamp


This blog was all about nerdy fashion, but I've cleared that all out so that I can use this as a blog about my writing.  I was laid off a few months ago, and it was a terrible experience.  It was also a useful learning experience.  From the cinders of what was left of myself, I have found that the only thing other than my family that I care deeply about is my writing and telling the stories I have in my head.  No one else can tell them for me.

I've been watching videos about writing on youtube, listening to podcasts from people in publishing, or self-promoting, and trying to figure out just how to go about finishing writing my first novel, publishing it, etc.

One of the most powerful things that I heard was on the Creative Penn podcast.  The guest speaker from The Worried Writer podcast, said that she realised that she had to decide when she was good enough to call herself a writer.  She hadn't felt good enough when she got an agent, or a publishing deal, or even had her books in stores.  She eventually decided on her own.

Yesterday, I applied for People School by Vanessa Van Edwards and the people at Science of People.  In the application, I put "Writer" in the current title box.  It took some coaxing myself to do it, but I finally did it, deciding that I am good enough to call myself a writer.  I got an email today that I was accepted into the course and I couldn't be happier!

I am following my dream of being a full-time writer, and I was successful with this first step!  I wasn't trying to be someone I'm not to please someone else. I was myself for once.  I am doing what makes me happy and not living a life that others want for me.  Not anymore, and never again!